Future as Usual
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New Office: NWorld Santander

NWorld and Impetus Technologies Partner to Accelerate SAS and Legacy Modernisations in the UK and Ireland. NWorld and Impetus...


NWorld and Impetus Technologies Partner to Accelerate SAS and Legacy Modernisations in the UK and Ireland

NWorld and Impetus Technologies Partner to Accelerate SAS and Legacy Modernisations in the UK and Ireland. NWorld and Impetus...


NWorld named as a supplier on the G-Cloud 14 framework

NWorld is proud to have been named as a supplier on the UK’s Crown Commercial Service’s (CSS) G-Cloud 14...


Nfq announces new global partnership with Finastra

NWorld is proud to announce this new collaboration agreement, which allows it to join Finastra’s global partner program as...


Final Draft Consolidated RTS for the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

On 22 October 2021, the European Supervisory Authority (ESA) published Regulatory Technical Standards (hereinafter RTS) in relation to Articles...


New amendments to the rules on capital requirements for credit institutions

On 27 October the European Commission published the two proposals to amend Regulation 575/2013 on prudential requirements for credit...


Bosonit receives recognition from Data Magazine

Bosonit has been recognised by Data Magazine as one of the most innovative companies in the field of data...


Bosonit receives the Mercury Advanced Company Award

Our colleagues from Bosonit received the Mercurio Award to the Advanced Company on 14th October in the auditorium of...


We are one

The future of our company, in 3 words: WE ARE ONE Consolidation and Evolution The value proposal we initiated...


Tomás Conde joins our Sustainable Finance & ESG area

Tomás Conde, one of the most prominent professionals in our country in Sustainable Finance joins our Sustainable Finance &...


Tomás Conde joins our Sustainable Finance & ESG area

Tomás Conde, one of the most prominent professionals in our country in Sustainable Finance joins our Sustainable Finance &...


The HIT center is born, emerging technologies high performance center

HIT, was born as an initiative of NWorld to respond to the need for talent training in the Data...


New global partnership: ActiveViam

We are proud to announce our new collaboration agreement with ActiveViam, through which we will join the global Integration...


Calypso Partnership

This agreement turns Nfq Advisory Services into an official Calypso partner and will thus allow our company to provide...


[Case] Debt recovery process

Comply with International Regulation​ Debt Recovery Processes In out-of-court debt recovery processes there is a need for a truly...


[Case] Debt recovery process


[Case] Recovery & Balance Transformation

Recovery & Balance Transformation Recovery & Balance Transformation Provide the company with a centralized repository that integrates all corporate...


[Case] Monitoring and Analytics (water)


[Case] Carbon footprint study

CARBON FOOTPRINT STUDY Study of the emissions accrued from natural gas production for the Spanish Association of Hydrocarbon Research,...


[Case] Environmental and Social Taxonomy

Analysis of legal requirements that apply to the company in terms of Financial Taxonomy. Taxonomy helps drive climate-friendly investments...


[Case] Physical asset vulnerability analysis

Several companies in the energy sector require an analysis of the vulnerability of their renewable generation assets to natural...


[Case] Natural Capital (Evaluation, Identification, Dependencies …)

Development, implementation and validation of a methodology to determine the Natural Capital of the Bolarque Hydroelectric Power Plant with...


[Case] Real Estate Management


[Case] Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Risks

QUANTITATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ANALYSIS Given the current regulatory requirements for Environmental Liability, a Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis (QERA) was...


[Case] Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Risks

QUANTITATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ANALYSIS Given the current regulatory requirements for Environmental Liability, a Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis (QERA) was...


[Case] Credit Risk Regulatory Capital Requirements Engine

Representative Case Finance & Compliance Credit Risk Regulatory Capital Requirements Engine Development of an assessment to establish the characteristics...


[Case] Data Model, Operating M. and Reporting M. IFRS 17, IFRS 9, Solvency II, Accounting Provisions and EV / MCEV

Representative Case Insurance – Finance & Regulation Compliance with new regulation Design of the Objective Data Model including information...


[Case] Functional Monitoring of Front to Back Operations Flow

Functional Monitoring of Front to Back Operations Flow Analyze, design and implement solutions Service-based application with a web front...


[Case] Integration of the Investment Funds Distribution Business

Representative Case Asset Management Investment Funds Distribution Definition of the new Operating Processes after business integration. Definition and development...


[Case] Outsourcing E2E & ALCO

Representative Case ALM ALM Outsourcing Build a robust and automated solution in SQL for the transformation, which generates the...


[Case] Counterparty Risk: Management & Internal Model

Representative Case Wholesale Risk Counterparty Risk: Management & Internal Model Leadership and global coordination, development of the procurement and...


[Case] Karben US – Short Term Markets

Comply with International Regulation​ Comply with International Regulation​ Need help with International Compliance? Get in touch with a consultant...

#FINANCE & RISK25/10/2021

[Case] Improvement of the profitability of the customers portfolio

Representative Case Payments Improvement of the profitability Analysis of the client portfolio, opportunities identification, launch of new marketing campaigns...


[Case] End to end mobility in the Asset Management model. Integration with SAP – PM module

Representative Case Industry and corp – Asset management End to end mobility in the Asset Management model. Integration with...


[Case] Digitalisation of the integral water distribution process

Representative Case Industry and corp – Water management Digitalisation of the integral water distribution process Working with one of...


[Case] Capital markets risk calculation service

Representative Case Industry – Treasury and Risks Capital markets risk calculation service Covering product valuation and capital markets risk...


[Case] SZENA IRC – Treasury and Market Risk Management – PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE

Representative Case Industry – Finance & Regulation SaaS Proprietary Solution Simulation and valuation capabilities of our SzenaRisk platform, the...


[Case] Middleware IOT – Elliot Cloud

Representative Case Industry – Finance & Regulation IoT Solution for ​Industry and smart infrastructures Design and implementation of a...


[Case] Corporate NPS Model and Reporting

Representative Case Industry – Finance & Regulation Corporate NPS Model and Reporting Creation of new NPS models in the...


[Case] Building a 360º Customer View on a MDM (Master Data Management) System

Representative Case Insurance – Sales & Customers Master Data Management Systems Proposal of a solution based on the construction...


[Case] Process Automation – Robotics

Representative Case Industry – Finance & Regulation Process Automation and Robotics Automation of different operational processes, using RPA to...


[Case] Telemedicine Platform

Representative Case Industry – Finance & Regulation Telemedicine Platform Service-oriented architecture that abstracts the different channels from the complexity...


[Case] Development of simulation models to support training of nuclear power plant operators

Representative Case Industry and corp – Nuclear Development of simulation models to support training of nuclear power plant operators...


[Case] Syndicated Back Office Integration with Corporate Banking Application_EN

Syndicated Back Office Integration with Corporate Banking Application Digital transformation plan Centralize, unify and standardize the information, allowing its...


[Case] Implementation of the Corporate Information and Reporting Model

Representative Case Industry and corp – Corporate reporting Implementation of the Corporate Information and Reporting Model We collaborate with...


At Nfq everyday is March 8th

Here at Nfq we are committed to building a corporate culture where merit, skillfulness and dedication are the pillars...


Is Blockchain the future of Finance?

Blockchain You may have read or heard about concepts such as Bitcoin, Blockchain and more recently Distributed Ledger. You...


ICO’s (Initial Coin Offering/s)

Throughout the past year, Initial Coin Offerings (from now on ICO’s) have been considered the gold rush of the...


Nfq Group is born. Future starts now

On September 26, the brand that embodies and gives a face to the new Nfq Group was introduced at...


Nfq Group is born. Future starts now

On September 26, the brand that embodies and gives a face to the new Nfq Group was introduced at...


Welcome to the New Office!

Our new office is here! We Continue to grow and therefore we are proud to announce the opening of...


Every day is March 8th

Committed to providing equal opportunities At Nfq, we are committed to the idea that all people who join our...


First Nfq Summit

On Thursday 28th February, we held in Madrid the first #Nfq Summit, the first global executive convention of Nfq...


Single Customer Insight Case

Nfq’s insurance team and Santalucia Seguros were invited to Informática World Tour 2018 to present the Single Customer Insight...


BBVA: Evolution towards a Data Driven organization

In this era of digital banking where everything seems to have been invented, there is still an area in...


Nfq insight and Conclusion

Hence we hope the papers published during the last months helped curious researchers and DLT stakeholders to understand the...


Shifts in Trading Venues?

In the US stock market, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), owner of the New York stock exchange (NYSE), has confirmed the...


MIFID II: an initial assessment after the first months of work

MIFID II, a new regulatory framework As a consequence of the evolution of Financial markets, the need to review...


Blockchain: Application to Banking & Insurance

BANKING Blockchain technology has been acknowledged as one of the most disruptive innovations for current business models since the...


Inauguration of the decorative panels

Part of our team had the opportunity to attend the inauguration of the new decorative panels installed in the...


Smart Contracts and Regulatory Compliance

SMART CONTRACTS Smart contracts are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract,...


How Blockchain is transforming the Financial markets

Some of the main Financial Institutions at the international level are focusing on the implantation of blockchain technology as...


ICO’s (Initial Coin Offering/s)

Throughout the past year, Initial Coin Offerings (from now on ICO’s) have been considered the gold rush of the...


Meet the Nfq Foundation

Our Foundation was launched in 2011 as a way to pay back to society part of what we have...


Nfq has joined the Management Consultancies Association (MCA)

We’re delighted to announce that Nfq has joined the the the Management Consultancies Association (MCA). The MCA‘s mission is...


Banco Santander Insurance: awarded in DevOps Industry Awards

DevOps Awards The DevOps Industry Awards celebrate companies and individuals who have accomplished significant achievements incorporating and adopting Agile...


RE[*], Nfq Innovation Department

Since Nfq was born, our innovation and technical capacity have been a differential part of our value proposition. Technology...